Thursday, September 27, 2012

What Color Are You Projecting

Since living here on the east coast I have come to enjoy the changing of seasons...winter has now become my favorite with fall being a close second. I looked out my window and noticed that fall is upon us. Many people are drawn to fall and the colors of fall. Fall colors are warm, vibrant, extraordinarily rich, and energetic. When I think about the color of the fall leaves, red is my favorite. There's just something about the trees that are full of red leaves glistening in the sun. It's just extraordinary. They stick out and you notice them.

Red brings up the thought of passion. No matter where we are in our Christian walk, I think we all could do with a little more passion for Christ. We should stick out in a good way. We should reflect all that brilliance of Christ. The color orange is so beautiful in the fall. We see it in not just the fall leaves, but in those beautiful pumpkins as well. Orange reflects warmth and symbolizes thoughtfulness and sincerity. As Christians that's something we should portray. We should be that warm inviting person that cares about others. The yellow color of fall makes me happy. Yellow conjures up joy and cheerfulness. I don't really think that if we aren't cheerful as Christians, other people will want what we have. If we have Christ, we should have joy in our hearts and that joy should reflect out through us. In the midst of those red, orange and yellow is the brown leaves. If we didn't have all that brown in the midst of the bright fall colors, I doubt if they'd be so brilliant. Brown represents stability and it anchors all those other beautiful colors of fall. In Christ, we have our anchor. Others can see if we are living for Christ and depending on Him in our lives. It comes out in our actions and behavior.

Showing Christ through our behavior is so important in our witness to others . Our "colors" do matter. How we act and behave is what people see when they look at us. I hope I grow to have a beautiful, warm, and inviting life in Christ. I don't want Christianity to be hid from the world because of me. I want to portray vibrancy and warmth so that people will want to get to know me and learn about Christ through me.

So, what colors are you projecting?

On the Journey!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

God's Prodding

Prodding is any interesting thought when it comes from God! God pokes, nudges, and slowly puts forth a vision to someone who is reluctant. Enters me... 4 months ago my summer plans were set. A few local trips with my youth group and a beach vacation in the Carolinas. Enter God...God had those plans in mind but opened doors for something much bigger. In 10 days I will take a two week mission trip and journey to Rwanda. During these months of preparation, God began to stir in my heart for the people that I would be encountering on this journey. Plan are in place to meet 2 separate families of children we support through world vision, work at a primary school and assist children whom are supported through the OneEgg organization, and visit some children who have been orphaned due to being born with AIDS/HIV.

It is overwhelming at times...the packing, the vaccinations, the 22 hour flight, the many questions...

What brings comfort when one has been prodded is the power and assurance that God is in control. God's got my back! I nestle under His wing of protection. I can't change the world but I can be a beacon of light that changes the world for one!

May my smile greet the unknown, may my laughter unite 2 cultures, may my hands be used for serving, may my feet be guided on the path less traveled, and may my heart shine with Christ Love!

~ C

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Childhood Nicknames

Childhood nick names...we all have them. I can recall many names over the years that friends and family gave to me. My step-sister called me George, my dad called Ducky, my mom called me sunshine or honey bunny, and close friends call me carebear! What name stuck with you growing up!

~ C

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Fall In Love Again!

The craziness of Christmas has past and the New Year has arrived...much like we anticipate every 365 days. As a leader, its normal to reflect on the success and regrets of last year and vow to be different and make this year a better one. In that reflection I began to ponder my many years of ministry that God has blessed my life with. Thoughts about the many mistakes made, the crazy game ideas, the "what was I thinking" events, the many moments where God shines through the lives of each youth, and more importantly the various lessons learned as a leader over the years. I remember my first years as a "newbie" Youth Leader and the love and passion I had for Youth Ministry. Now, don't get me wrong...I still have the love and passion for Youth Ministry and know without a doubt that God has gifted me and placed me in this leadership role, but I ask God daily to keep me energized and receptive to His direction.

This year, as part of reflecting on the old and new, God has been burning my heart with a message of LOVE! Scripture is filled with words or examples of love, Jesus showing love to His people, and commands us to share love with others. This is our calling, to Love God, Love our neighbors, and express love through our identity, our values, and our purpose. 2011 for me is a year that I am being called to LOVE LIFE!

Sometimes it only takes a simple reminder of where our heart should lay and for me it was the simple reflection for the new year that is upon us. My hope for 2011 is that my LOVE for God & for people is visible for all to see, even if no words are spoken. I also hope that as the new year moves forward that my LOVE for ministry is enhanced and filled with new ideas...all to reach the hearts of youth!

So I leave you with this question "what is God calling you to fall in love with again"?


Friday, April 2, 2010

Here I Am Lord...

This Sunday I am about to embark on my 4th mission trip to serve those who were affected by Hurricane Katrina. As you recall 2005 greeting the Atlantic Coast with devastating hits, floods, and sadly deaths. The affects of Katrina were long-lasting and devastating to the community of New Orleans.

As I close out the final preparations for the trip, I recall a story found in Isaiahh where God appeared to him. God was looking for a volunteer to DO a tough job! Isaiah raised his hand and said, "Here I Am." Isaiah wasn't the only individual whom God equipped for a unique mission. As Paul tells us, each person in the church is called to LOVE and serve others. It is my prayer, that this next week will be filled with many opportunities, for a path to be open, and for God's love to shine in the lives our our homeowners, team members, and community members. My tool belt and my work shoes are packed as I WALK down this mission journey of sharing, showing, and being an imitator of God's love.

Living a 3368 life puts me on journeys where, at times I may question my presences and purpose. In saying that with all honesty, today I have found that my presences for this trip may not be affected by the group but more importantly whom God may places on my path. What does the Lord require of do justice, love mercifully, and walk humbly with my God.


Saturday, November 14, 2009

3 Simple Rules

How simple does God make it to walk in obedience and righteousness. He requires merely three things, although they are easy to understand they are also a substantial task to undergo. The first, we are to do what is right in everything we do and every decision we make. The second is to love mercy, embracing compassion and forgiveness for everyone we meet. Lastly, is to walk humbly, lifting up our heavenly Father and serving others. Micah talks about the useless sacrifices we offer to God and asks the reader non-rhetorical questions of what types of sacrifices the Lord is pleased with. He simply states that it is not what we bring to God, but it is how we interact with God. He desires us to live out our faith by our actions, showing the validity of our testimony and proclaiming how God has changed our lives.
